GS1 Cambodia is part of a global bar coding and numbering organization that licenses authorized barcode numbers for Cambodian businesses. Businesses can then put these barcode numbers on their products to sell them locally and globally. To be licensed to use a GS1 barcode number, you must become a member of GS1 Cambodia. Having GS1 Barcodes ensures that each barcode number you are licensed to use is unique. No other businesses can use your barcode numbers or barcodes on their products.
Everything we do is aimed at helping our members work smarter and more efficiently with the GS1 System as our platform-speeding goods to markets, forging closer bonds with customers and unlocking the business building power of accurate, real time information. Internationally, around one million member companies in 145 countries use GS1 Standards to order, track, trace, deliver and pay for billions of goods each day.
GS1 Cambodia will continue to support the efforts of our members to achieve business efficiency and improvement using GS1 systems and thus to bring added value to their customers. Last not but least, I hope for the further growth and success of members, GS1 MOs, and GS1 Global Office. I hope this handbook 2012- 2015, the second publication of GS1 Cambodia, will serve its purpose providing any GS1 system, GS1 Cambodia’s activity, and all contact information of GS1 Cambodia’s member. In the future, I’m going to continuous publication designed with update an new systems, technology and services of GS1 System for providing to all GS1 Cambodia’s members. Through these missions, we aim to increase consumer’s benefits in Cambodia.
Phnom Penh / Cambodia Chamber of Commerce
Neak Okhna Kith Meng